This is the next step.

TCP Model.

Since 2016, I’ve endeavored to meet what I believed to be a glaring need for the people I was charged with leading (in the submarine force, my career field, and military at large). In that time, we have amassed and exhausting library of conversations, case studies of real life occurrences, and even new voices discussing their passions.

I now find myself feeling as if I have lost my way a bit, and as if I may have simply found a finish life of sorts. In it’s original version, I feel like I no longer have anything to say. I am still passionate about the topic, and the target population, and in lieu of simply shuffling off into the sunset I believe a new model and direction is in order.

  • Theory: These episodes will be a free format, a bit of stream of consciousness and a bit of analytical thought based on prior intentional research. They will attempt to explore the overarching ‘theory’, understand what it means, how it works, and why it is important.

  • Concepts: Similar though not the same to our prior ‘concepts’ episodes, these will be the progression in the series and will endeavor to understand how an idea actually applies in the context in which we serve, how it works in that context, and how the organization values and understands it.

  • Practice: This is the nuts and bolts daily application of the idea. What tools exist, how can you use them, how can you misuse them, and how can you recover from mistakes.

This model will be sequential. Each series will begin with the ‘theory’ episode (normally only one, but as will all three steps, depending on the idea may require more). Then the lens will narrow, and the concept episode will come next, followed by the ‘practice’ episode(s). These will be projects that will require preparation. With that in mind, I will not commit to a weekly format any longer. My goal will be consistency, but in addition to the time commitment, longtime listeners are well aware of my medical history (both physical and mental), and I will do what is necessary to ensure I’m on solid ground, always. I genuinely hope you both understand, and enjoy what comes next. Thank you so much for believing in me for all these years. I can’t even begin to express what it means to me.